
Nevery Lorakeet

2015年02月23日 23:10

I know, it's still winter, but I can't wait for spring to come!

After all, I already saw the first signs of the spring in the air around me these past days:

it's not too cold here like it was before, the days are longer

and the white misty sky is leaving space to a more intense color.

This puts me in a good mood, so I designed a new light dress for the upcoming spring:

*Rosetta* Dress (Mesh)

*Rosetta* Dress comes in three different Colors/Fabrics:

Champagne, Romantic (Pink) and Flowers (Blue-Red)!

The dress can be worn with or without the veils deco!

(*LpD* Original Mesh)

This new Dress is out now at *LpD* Mainstore

Available also on *LpD* Marketplace page *Here*

Visit also *LpD* Official Website
